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遲到了!除了Sorry, I'm late,還可以怎樣用英文有禮貌道歉及解釋原因?(附實用對話練習)

( Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/)


  在職場上,你是一個守時的人嗎?就算你自覺是個守時的人,可正所謂「人算不如天算」,無論你怎麼「千算萬算」,都總會有失手的一次吧?如果真的因自身或各種外在的因素影響而不慎遲到了,除了說一句「Sorry, I’m late.」表示歉意以外,還可以說甚麼以緩和這個尷尬的局面呢?當然,你可以誠懇的解釋一下遲到的原因,可以要用英文句體的解釋又是另一個考驗了吧?因乘坐的車輛爆胎以致遲到該怎麼講?找不到停車場停車又怎麼講?這次,我們一於看看,遲到後需要解釋時,有哪些實用的英語句字可以用上吧!


Part 1—Useful English phrases to say when you are late:


  ●    "I’m sorry, but I’m going to be late."



  ●    ”I deeply apologize for not making it to the meeting on time.“



  ●    "I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to my appointment on time."



  ●    "I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’m going to make it to the meeting on time."



  ●    "I’m sorry, but I’m not going to make our 10am meeting."



  ●    "I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to our meeting on time."



  ●    “Something has come up.”



(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/


  ●    "I’m running late."



  ●    "I’m behind schedule."



  ●    “I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”



  ●    “I’m going to be about 20 minutes late.”



  ●    ”I’m on my way. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.“



  ●    “I may be about 5-10 minutes late.”



  ●    “Would it be possible to …… ?”



  e.g. "Would it be possible to reschedule?"



  e.g. "Would it be possible to meet tomorrow instead?"



  e.g. "Would it be possible to get an appointment with the doctor tomorrow?"



  e.g. "Would it be possible to reschedule our meeting?"



  ●    “Thank you for waiting.”



  ●    “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.”



  ●    “Please forgive me for keeping you waiting.”



Part 2—遲到的各種理由:


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/


  ●    “I couldn't find a parking space.”



  ●    “I’m now stuck in traffic.”



  ●    “The meeting is running overtime.”

  (i.e., 你正在參加另一次會議,但尚未結束,並且已經超過了預定的結束時間。)


  ●    “I got a flat tire.”



  ●    “I was in an accident.”



  ●    “I have a family emergency.”



  ●    “My train/bus/subway is delayed.”



  ●    “I was delayed by a phone call.”



Part 3—對話練習Practical Usage:


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/




A:Where were you? I've been looking for you everywhere! (你在哪裏?我找你找一整天了!)

B:I'm terribly sorry for keeping you waiting. I got a flat tire just now and it took me 20 minutes to find a taxi. (真的非常抱歉讓你久等了。我的車剛剛爆胎了,我花了20分鐘時間才攔到的士。)




A:The meeting is starting shortly. Are you going to make it on time?  (會議即將要開始了,你來得及準時出席嗎?)

B:I have a family emergency. I think you need to host the meeting without me. I'm really sorry. (我家裏出現些緊急情況。你可能需要獨自主持會議了,我真的非常抱歉。)




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