在人力資源部工作的朋友說,在篩選應徵者的過程中,只會花4 秒在一份履歷表上。四秒之內找不到應徵者突出之處,這份履歷表便會被丟進碎紙堆去。
換句話說,履歷表必須在4 秒之內,成功吸引聘請者的注意力,才能突圍而出。
要突顯閣下的專長,便必須在履歷表的Objective或Professional Summary ,以及Experience 部分,多加著墨。寫履歷表的重點是必須扭盡六壬,將自己傲視同群的長處,以最精簡又容易令人留下深刻印象的方法記錄下來,令履歷表脫穎而出。
上篇文章提到Objective一欄。Objective雖能直接令聘請者知悉求職者的目標(例如:To obtain a sales position),如何跟公司聘請的職位相配合(the sales representative position at the company),但所能表達的內容,亦較有限。剛畢業或未有太多工作經驗者,以Objective作為Resume的首個項目,是常見的方式。
資力深厚的朋友,則可能傾向用較全面地反映求職者專業技能的Professional Summary(又稱Executive Summary、Summary of Qualifications或Profile)取代Objective,突出自己的強項。
Professional Summary是令聘請者一看便能掌握求職者技能、專業資格、工作經驗的“大綱”。簡單來說,它是履歷表的總結一覽。
寫Professional Summary之前,要先整理好自己的履歷,挑選出能代表閣下出眾的強項,包括:專業資格 (如CFA、博士、碩士學位、PMP等)、資歷、曾服務的機構(公型或私型機構,以及機構的規模等)、對機構的貢獻 (曾掌管業務的規模)、以及從經驗總結個人特有的技能等。
A seasoned computer programmer and Six Sigma Black Belt with over 20 years of experience developing and maintaining systems for public and private enterprises including Fortune 500 companies. Detail oriented manager with track record in leading teams in North America and Asia in developing lean manufacturing solutions.
又例如:一位資深的營業銷售經理,其Summary of Qualifications 可能是:
A results-driven, customer focused sales manager with 15 years of business development and sales management experience in the technology industry. Managed accounts from US$10 to US$15 million with proven track record of exceeding revenue targets in a competitive market environment. A strong communicator with excellent relationship management, team building and motivational skills.
Experience工作經驗是履歷表上另一個重點項目。工作經驗需以倒序排列 (即由最近期的經驗寫起),而工作經驗要有以下的項目:僱主名稱、受僱職位、受僱時段、以及工作範圍。
- 僱主名稱
煩請全寫公司的名稱。在不同國家或地區工作者,宜清楚記錄(如:Microsoft, China 或 Microsoft, Seattle, WA)
- 受僱時段
- 受僱職位
· Jun 2009 - present - Sales Manager, General Computer Inc.
· Apr 2007- May 2009 – Assistant Sales Manager, General Computer Inc.
· Jan 2006- Mar 2007 – Sales Representative, General Computer Inc.
初看之下,還以為這位求職者是人見人怕的“職壇樂樂椅愛好者”—— 即每一兩年便轉工跳糟的朋友。在同一間公司出任不同的職位,以下是可參考的表達方法:
- General Computer Inc.
Senior Sales Manager, Jun 2009 - present
Sales Manager, Apr 2007- May 2009
Assistant Sales Manager, Jan 2006- Mar 2007
Intern, Sales Support, Sales Associate, Jan 2001 - Dec 2005
- 工作經驗
敘述工作經驗,頗考功夫。單單記錄工作項目的履歷表,很難吸引聘請者的注意。寫工作項目時要緊記,閣下曾從事的工作項目,是扶持的綠葉;由此項目引申的結果,包括閣下的貢獻 (action and contribution)、以及彪炳的成績 (results) ,才是令招聘者提起興趣的牡丹。
例如,試比較以下兩個 candidate 的工作經驗,閣下認為那個較能獲招聘者的垂青?
- Responsible for new overseas sales account
- Assisted subordinates in handling customers enquiries
- Managed U.S. corporate accounts in excess of US$ 5 million annual revenue. Achieved 20% increase in profitability through new business development efforts
- Led customer support team to deliver timely customer services. Introduced customer enquiry system which resulted in the reduction of customer waiting time by 30 sec./call
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