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  a) 「朋友」這個詞語已失去其意義,因為我們在「成為朋友」或「結束友誼」的過程中並沒有投入太多的想法及情感。


  b) 「交友」變成計分賽或人氣調查。這影響著我們的交友技巧與價值,並重建我們對關係的看法。




  a) 更頻繁地檢視伴侶們的網上狀況,會令人更妒嫉,更不滿意現況。這威脅著關係的持續性。


  b) 事實上,大多數人會用舊照片及一堆自吹自擂的資料來製作個人簡介,訓練我們接受不實之事的能力。我們學會讚頌謊言,又玩弄虛偽於指掌之中。公安最近拘捕了一個售賣假車票的商人,發現買票者重複購買假票,與商人穩定地進行交易,公安再深入調查,發現買票者知悉自己所購的是假票,這些車票不是用來乘車的,而是用來向公司報銷開支。


  c) 為避過面對面的溝通,現時不少人選擇傳發短訊、電郵、whatsapp等來結束感情關係。一個正式的道別給予的是尊重,給予不來的我們已失去了人類最基本應有的禮貌。














Digital Relationships


  I was interviewed by TVB’s PEARL Report regarding Digital Relationships, and the program aired on 16th March. Here in synopsis.


  When it comes to relationships, courting, dating or finding that life partner, many people are ditching the traditional pub and club approach and going digital.  What impact has digitalization on relationships ? The advantages are obvious, social media can help build up a large network of “friends” within a relatively short period of time. For love seekers, the online method is quicker, easier and cheaper. One could flirt in sweatpants without leaving the comfort of one’s bedroom, and the stupendous array of profiles and pictures,  a complete sensory overload… 


  Are there any downsides? Yes, plenty.


Loss of Privacy


  In an offline relationship, one would not dream of opening the partner’s letters. In an on line relationship, several new symbols of romantic devotion appear to have taken hold among modern couples:  First, they share a social media profile with photos to flaunt,  then a joint email address, a symbol of their togetherness. Finally, a shared password. What does that mean? This means we are changing the way we measure the seriousness of our relationship by using digital verbiage and popular signposts. A very dangerous way of “sharing” especially for people who need personal space.


Change of Interpersonal Skills


  a) The word “friend” loses the original meaning as we go through the motion of “befriending” or “unfriending” someone without too much thought or emotion. 


  b) The “friend-collecting” behavior becomes a score, a popularity poll. This affects our skills and values,  and restructure how we think about relationships.


Change of Our Core Values 


  a) The more online users are checking up on their partners, the more jealous they are and the more dissatisfied they become. This threatens sustainability.


  b) The fact that many would use outdated photos and a certain amount of misrepresentation to fudge their profiles is training us to accept dishonesty.  We learn to glorify deceit &  brandish fraudulence… Example:  The Chinese police recently caught a fake train ticket trader, baffled by his stable business with repeat customers, he investigated, and found them knowingly bought fake tickets not for the ride, but to claim company expenses !! 


  c) Many now choose to break up with someone over text, email, whatsapp…to avoid face to face communications. We have thereby lost the most fundamental  human decency of offering someone the dignity of a proper goodbye.


Lingering Stress


  In an offline relationship, one could break up,  close the door and move on. It is almost impossible to break up with someone online since one is constantly being reminded of what the ex is up to, especially if you live in the same city, share mutual friends, or have an unfortunate pre-disposition to online stalking.


  According to a  2014 Nielsen survey, some experts even claim that social media may literally change our genes.  The science of epigenetics has shown that our experiences may permanently, even heritably, transform our DNA. This means that things we feel, like trauma and loss, change the way future generations are wired. By this logic, can communication physically transform us ? 


  According to reputable digital scholar Silva,  “ Disrupting technologies of communication – such as the alphabet, or language – absolutely change the architecture of the brain”. 


  Today, we use applications like Instagram as “mental scaffolding” for our memories – and soon, predicts Silva, we will be able to fully immerse ourselves in the output of someone else’s dreamspace without the confines of a handheld device. For better or worse, we either use these tools to offer our vision of the world in a certain place and time, or to stupefy our audience.


  I am old fashioned,  as far as relationships go, I remain a firm believer that  it helps to unplug in order to connect.




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