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  上星期我出席了一個在銀行家會所舉辦的講座,講者是電訊業龍頭Cherrypicks的行政總裁Jason Chiu。他是個出色的講者,他分享了一個發生在自己身上、啟發人心的故事,娓娓道來如何處理第一次進軍中國市場失敗所帶來高近2億的損失,他如何撫平傷口,從錯誤中學習,激勵自己,重新振作,嘗試了一次又一次,最後戰勝失敗。








Embracing Failure


  A client of ours has not been dating anyone and has not answered any of  our emails for quite a while. Regina, her consultant, was upset and told her off by email. Days later, we finally received a reply from her :


Dear Regina,


  I appreciate your reminder and your assistance very much. The fact is I had a busy schedule in the last few weeks:


  On March 15 ( Sun), I was on-call in the hospital and worked from Sun 8:30am till Mon 1pm continuously.


  On March 18 ( Wed), I had to teach general practitioners which is a major event and I had a lot of preparatory work to do beforehand.


  On March 20 (Fri), I was on-call again in the hospital and worked overnight till March 21 ( Sat).


  Then I was on vacation from March 22 to 29. I was busy packing on March 21. I went to China and did not have email access as Hotmail was blocked on the Mainland. I just came back today. Sorry about my late reply.


  Thanks again. Surely your suggestions are always respected and I will try to respond as soon as possible.





   On the surface, Maria doesn’t seem to be getting her priorities right ?  But she is not  stupid, she is a medical doctor ! Surely she must know that already in her forties, time is not exactly on her side. So why was she dragging her feet ?? what was the real reason behind her non responsive behavior ? 


  We have experienced many similar cases as such, and scratching a little deeper usually reveals the stench of fear - the fear of failure. Maria, like many successful women before her,  is afraid to be trying too hard, nurturing high hopes and then fails in the end, the disappointment will be so unbearable. Therefore by pretending to be completely nonchalant about this spouse seeking exercise, she is in fact trying to pre-program an elegant “exit” for herself. If she fails to find someone in the end, she assumes it will hurt less because she can then conveniently put the blame on too much work and too little time… Oh, perhaps it was never meant to be……  Well, there is nothing wrong with being single anyway…  The truth is, such an attitude doesn’t really soften the blow of disappointment, it only puts her in denial. The added irony is that with such an attitude, absolute failure is almost always definitively pre-programmed.


  I attended a talk at the Bankers’ Club last week, the speaker was Jason Chiu, CEO of mobile technology giant Cherrypicks Ltd. An excellent speaker, it was inspiring to hear his personal story of how he handled his colossal $200 million total failure during his first attempt in the China market. How he licked his wounds, learned from his mistakes, picked himself up, stood up again, tried again, & again… and finally prevailed.


  I don’t  have $200 million to lose, but I too have failed more times than I care to remember. It was humbling at best, devastating at worst…but each time I tried to remind myself that failing is not important, everybody fails at something some time. The important thing is to get up and try again, always doing my best… may be one day I will succeed in building something good & solid with the stones people throw at me. 


  As Churchill once said, “ Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”. Any fool can bask in the glory of success, it takes a solid soul to embrace failure. When our ancestors said “Failure is the mother of success”, they certainly knew what they were talking about.




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