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4.18到科學園 撑世界和平

















Please Join Us on 18/4 at Science Park !


  When I was honoured by the invitation to join the UNESCO HK  Committee,  I humbly accepted in spite of my packed schedule, because their primary project lies in promoting peace through education - A worthwhile cause much needed for the future of HK.


  Throughout the years, UNESCO HK has been working hard to promote PEACE through five different aspects: Individual, cultural, social, political and ecological dimensions. We have organized many events including the Celebration of United Nations International Day of Peace, Learning Support, “Moments of Peace” Photo Competition and of course, the highlight of them all will be the forthcoming PEACEMAKERS CULTURAL CELEBRATION. 


  This coming Saturday, 18th April 2015, UNESCO HK will be hosting the 2014-2015 Peacemakers’ Cultural Celebration  at Science Park. It’s a huge carnival with lots of exciting programs including cultural and musical performances, country game booths, car shows by Land Rover and the  Classic Car Club… etc.etc… Not to forget the amazing array of restaurants and food stalls to suit every taste. Professor Tao Xiping , together with a galaxy of stellar dignitaries will officiate the ceremony.


  Students from local, international as well as minority schools work hand in hand, coming up with their own ideas of expression, their own games, own crafts, helping to promote peace, each in his own way. 100 children representing 100 different minority tribes in China will be coming in from different provinces especially for the occasion, putting on their legendary performance that many have heard about and never had the chance to see, here is the opportunity not to be missed…  Admission is completely free,  there is even a free shuttle from University station starting at 11:00am to 6:00pm. 500 fantastic Goodie Bags will be given away to the first 500 visitors, packed with generous coupons and incredible  free gifts. There are many prizes to be won everywhere, for those who care to download the UNESCO apps and join in the game, there are in addition to the aforementioned, three iPads to be won as well !


  What exactly is this Peace Celebration ?  A carnival to draw people’s attention, both young and old, rich and poor, from all walks of life, of all color and creed…that we are all citizens of the world and we can certainly live happily together without conflict. We only need to show a bit of tolerance and  respect  for each other. It can be done.


  According to the latest study conducted by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the world is becoming increasingly more violent every year since 2007, and of the 162 countries covered in their study, only 11 were not involved in conflict of any kind . That is less than 7% !!  We can ill afford to continue  in this direction. Today’s growing globalization and cross border movements create a world which is progressively more diverse in terms of culture and religion, we need to understand and we need to help our young people understand the impact of this diversity. Cultivating peace is no longer someone else’s job, we are all global citizens and we owe it to ourselves and our future generations to contribute.


  Please come and join the Celebration this Saturday and Give Peace A Chance !




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