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  女性在人際關係上有天生的才能。她們較愛交際,說話較多,有些甚至親密至結伴前往洗手間。男性的朋友大多與工作有關,年華老去,他們所感受到的孤獨感較女人深。Independent Age的調查顯示年長男性的孤獨感所帶來的影響力相等於每日抽15根煙,帶來的危機可與癡肥問題相匹。International Longevity Centre搜集的數據反映以疾病、關懷等方面來看,於1946年至1964年出生的男性是最脆弱的一群。









2. 愛抱怨的人



3. 浮游不定的人



  潛在的問題始終如一:(1)不論年齡多少,樣子、身形及條件如何,所有男人都追求年輕、性感、漂亮的女人,最好少於35歲,有相當的教育程度,財政獨立,未如自己般成功,並會無條件地寵愛他;(2) 所有男人心中都有一張列出擇偶條件的清單,他們找對象如同請人,按條件逐一篩選。











Gentlemen, this is for you


  The Daily Mail recently published an article about lonely old men, predicting that across developed nations, the number of men over-50’s living alone shall rise by 65% by 2030, creating a huge social problem hitherto seldom discussed, much less planned for.


  Women have the innate ability to relate to people. They are more sociable, they talk more, some even go to the toilet together. Men’s “friends” are mostly work related, they feel loneliness more as they grow older. The Independent Age’s research shows that old men suffering from loneliness has the equivalent impact as smoking 15 cigarettes a day and is as big a risk as obesity. The International Longevity Centre has produced data showing that men born between 1946-1964 will be the most vulnerable group, with all the related troubling issues of illness, caring etc.


  Men rely more heavily on their partners to remain socially connected. Without her, he has less contact with family, children and friends. Studies suggest that adult children give more support to a widowed parent than to a divorced one.  Poor physical and mental health is more likely for the socially isolated and lonely men. In terms of medical services, older men are also less likely to seek help or ask for support. 


  Who are the potential lonely old men in Hong Kong ?


A)The Dreamer

  This is either the grey divorcee who has achieved everything in life except a happy marriage; or the erstwhile diamond bachelor who reminisces how he used to snap his finger, and a bevy of beautiful women would come running… Slightly paunchy and with receding hairline now, he nevertheless perseveres relentlessly in seeking that dream goddess to match his fantasy…often to no avail.


B)The Grouch..

  This is either the bitter divorcee, or the wound licking bachelor devastated for not getting his girl, or the widower who refuses to let go of his grief. Instead of moving on, he stays negative and angry, spews vitriol and continues to wallow in misery because he is too busy being bitter and sarcastic to start looking again.Might as well, who would want such a women repellent any way ?


C)The “Dawdler” 

  Always the best man never the groom. This is the nice guy who is  in and out of relationships, loads of them.., just not getting anywhere. He is either not sure what he is looking for, or he has a blueprint so precise he just needs to find  someone to meet ALL his criteria PERFECTLY…Or he is forever being rejected without bothering to find out why…So he looks, waits…and waits some more……. 


  The underlying problems are always the same. (1) All men, regardless of their own age, appearance, size, shape and criteria, seek young, sexy, beautiful women, under 35, reasonably educated, financially independent, preferably less bright, less successful than  they are, who will unconditionally adore them. (2) All men have their lists of criteria and they look at a woman as if selecting candidates in a job interview, busy ticking boxes.


  Lesson #1,  there are more women than men in HK, but NOT  in every age group !

  While there is a surplus of 140,400 women in the age group of 40-64, there is actually a SHORTAGE of 39,600 women in the age bracket of 25-39 ! Given a choice, why would any beautiful, intelligent young woman give up another age appropriate suitor and pick you ? In fact, the younger they are, the smaller the age difference they would tolerate and the more demanding their own criteria will be. Beautiful women usually prefer brainy, successful men with 6 pack abs,  steely buns & biceps, and a full head of hair.  


  Of course there are gorgeous women who would marry anybody at any age for the right price, but that’s transaction, not love. Not even someone as shrewd and intelligent as Murdoch managed a happy ending. If you do not wish to end up a lonely old man, start by looking in more age appropriate brackets and be realistic with your  list of criteria.


  Take a page from Prince Charles’ own experience… cause one is a lonely number.




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