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  雖然現在有部分公司會接受員工用WhatsApp請假,但絕大部分的情況下,員工仍然需要寫formal的英文email請假。大家是不是常常都要「臨急抱佛腳」上Google search呢?今次,我整理了一系列有關請假的商用英文,包括「常用詞語」、「實用片語」和「請假email範例」,確保大家能在職場應用得到,大家還不快點save低,以備不時之需!



I. 請假常用詞語


a. 休假類別


  1. 事假  Personal Leave

  2. 病假  Sick Leave

  3. 臨時事假  Casual Leave 

  (當同事請"Casual Leave"時,千萬不要按原文翻譯,誤以為是「隨便放假」,其實Casual Leave 的意思是「臨時事假」。)

  4. 喪假  Funeral Leave

  5. 年假  Annual Leave


  6. 公假  Official Leave

  7. 婚假  Marriage Leave

  8. 產假  Maternity Leave

  9. 侍產假  Paternity Leave

  10. 生理假  Menstruation Leave (more formal)

             (Menstruation :「月經、經期」)

                 Period Leave

  11. 陪審員假  Jury Service Leave


b. 狀況


  1. 休假中  be on leave

  2. 不在辦公室  be out of office

  3. 出差  be on a business trip

  4. 度假中  be on holiday/ vacation


c. 職務代理


  1. 暫代  fill in


  2. 插手幫忙  step in

  3. 處理  deal with




II. 表達「請假」的句型




1. take...leave / day (off)

e.g. I would like to take a day off because I get a cold.


e.g. I'd like to take official leave of absence for two days.



2. request...leave / day (off)

e.g. I am requesting permission for three days leave.       


e.g. I would like to request a leave of absence for medical reasons.



3. ask for...leave / day (off)

e.g. I would like to ask for a week’s leave to prepare for my wedding.



4. be on...leave / day (off)

e.g. I will be on leave and out of town for a week starting May 19. 



III. 「請假通知」必學句型:


句型1: 交代目前工作

→ "I am currently working on ... [工作項目]..."

e.g. I am currently working on a sales presentation for the L&Y Group.



句型2: 告知職務代理人

→ "...[人名]... will be stepping in to handle my responsibilities."

e.g. Charmaine will be stepping in to handle my responsibilities.



句型3: 緊急聯絡方式

→"You may contact me +[聯絡方式]+[時間]"

e.g. You may contact me by cell phone at anytime.




1. Could you cover for me tonight?


2. Can you take my shift?



IV. Sample email:


Date: April 28, 2018

To: Lucas Fong [lucas_f@abc.com]

From: Zephyr Yeung [zephyr_y@abc.com]

Subject: Upcoming Leave of Absence


Dear Mr. Fong,


  [請假時間 I am writing this quick email to confirm with you that I will be out of the office for one week starting May 1.] As I had mentioned to you earlier, I will be traveling to Sweden for a family reunion during this time. I will be back in the office on Monday, May 7.


  [交代目前工作 I am currently working on a sales presentation for the Edmondson Group, and Pinky Lam will be stepping in to handle my responsibilities.] [交代職務代理人 I am also involved in the preparations for the upcoming Design Expo in June, and Yanis Wong will be responsible for these matters while I am away.] In addition, I've talked to the other members of my team, and they are also ready to step up to the plate (著手開始某項工作) during my absence.


  [緊急聯絡方式 While I am in America, you may contact me by cell phone at anytime. I will also be available via email. My main contact in Sweden will be my aunt, Maggie Lai, and her phone number is 0775-755700.]


  Thank you once again for all of your assistance. I look forward to returning to the office on Monday, May 7.


Yours sincerely,

Zephyr Yeung




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#請假 #職場 #上班族