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  1. 跟員工談話,你會先講出對方有哪些地方需要改善,而非有甚麼地方已做得好。


  2. 回到家,你跟家人的首個對話就是投訴家中環境有多混亂,又或抱怨一些他們做了或仍未做的事情。


  3. 當你的伴侶主動幫忙,你疑慮他能幫上多少忙,反而不會太為他幫上忙而感恩。


  4. 當你的伴侶糾正他做得稍為不當之處,你會檢查或跟進此事。


  5. 如果你要求你的伴侶做三件事,而他只做了兩件,你會因此抱怨。


  6. 你不時對你的伴侶的選色、衣著、髮型有所「建議」,或跟他持相反意見,因為你嘗試幫上忙,所以要告訴他該做或不該做的事情。






































Being Overly Critical


  Being overly critical is when a person is excessively focused on small faults and looking for something to criticize or complain about. This kind of attitude is a definite social repellent because nobody enjoys the company of someone who oozes negativity and is constantly remarking about someone else’s flaws or some situation they cannot change. Six signs that you are being overly critical are:


  1. When talking to your staff, you begin your review with what they could have done better first before you tell them what they have done well.


  2. When walking into your home, you “greet” your family by commenting about what a mess the house is, or complaining about something they did or did not do.


  3. When your partner helps, you are more frustrated by how he helped than you are being grateful that he did help.


  4. You check on or follow after your partner to “fix” what he didn’t do quite right.


  5. If you ask your partner to do 3 things and he did 2, you complain about the one thing he didn’t do.


  6. You frequently “suggest” a different color, outfit, hairstyle or an alternative idea for your partner, telling him what he should or shouldn’t do because you were only trying to be “helpful”. 


  Hypercritical people maintain a twisted sense of self righteousness by focusing on the shortcomings of others. If you are unfortunately at the receiving end being constantly criticized by someone close to you, instead of feeling hurt or picking a fight, understand that it is the overly critical and sarcastic person who is in need of help, and not you.  The most common reasons for their affliction may be attributed to the following:


Bad Parenting


  Where one or both parents were critical and had unreasonably high expectations of them, these children usually embark on adulthood somewhat afflicted. A child forever being criticized growing up, understandably develops a negative unconscious pattern of thinking that lets him criticize everyone else around him. 


Bad Memories


  An accumulation of bitter history is always toxic. It could be unmet goals, career or emotional disappointments,  hurtful past experiences that he had repeatedly internalized,  and now carries with him a massive payload of anger which he must first divest before he can walk straight again.


Lack of Self Confidence 


  A person low in self confidence has an incessant need for re-assurances, and by showing that he is right and the others are wrong gives him the validation he seeks. Like an addict seeking the next high, he feels empowered and goes for more.


  The need to be critical and controlling is an exhausting vicious circle. This person not only becomes a prisoner to his own sense of order, he is driving loved ones away. The more isolated he is, the more negative and critical he becomes, finally he hates the world and the world hates him. If this applies to you, try these mental exercises to help  cultivate a more relaxed attitude:


Stop Worrying 


  People restrict themselves and their loved ones to the confines of self imposed high standards for fear of being judged. There are 7.3 million people here and whatever you do, you cannot please them all anyway, so might as well stop worrying.




  Perfectionism is itself an imperfection. Just remember that people who criticize you are by no means perfect themselves . Hence, between being perfect and being happy, choose being happy.


Believe in yourself


  Believe that someone would want to be with you without you forcing him to do so. To stop being clingy, needy, controlling & critical, you must feel secure enough with yourself first.


Cultivate the spirit of acceptance


  The true quality of life is governed by the quality of  emotions you feel regularly . Instead of complaining about situations you cannot change, try accepting it, acceptance has many merits .


  We tend to view people through one of two filters – compassion or judgment. One is draining, the other uplifting. Choose wisely.




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