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  Broadly defined, marriage is a cultural universal. 


  What is a “cultural universal” ? It is an element, trait or institution common to all human  cultures worldwide. Throughout history, these guiding principles of basic behaviors relate to the survival and proliferation of our species . For instance, everyone needs to eat, drink and grow.. we raise our children, we bury the dead…The visible manifestation may  vary from culture to culture, the underlying values remain the same.


  Though marriage has ancient roots, it really was not about the relationship between the man and the woman at all, and love had nothing to do with it. Ancient rulers regarded marriage as a means of foreign policy. In return for peace treaties or to secure allies, they would “give away”  daughters and sisters in marriage -  a strategic manoeuvre  within a political context. While wealthy families deployed the same tactic to fortify their political influence and buttress their economic power, poor  peasants used marriage to expand the family labour force. Married women had few rights, they and their children were considered the properties of their husbands.


  As Kings ceded power to democracies and family plots of land gave way to market economies, marriage became more civilized. Since the late 19th century, marriage has undergone gradual legal changes in the west, aimed at improving the rights of the wife. In the 20th century, polygamy, forced marriages, and a whole list of loutish traditional practices became mostly illegal. Later on, some countries even lifted bans on interracial and interfaith marriages, most recently, even  same sex marriage. 


  Today’s individuals in developed nations are free to marry whomever they want, most fashionably, for monetary, emotional and libidinal purposes. Such major social changes have led to far reaching consequences in the change of marriage demographics. Initially, love birds would marry in frenzy, then divorce in haste as the erstwhile “polygamy” became “adultery”, leaving children and loads of social problems behind. Now many people marry late or not at all, some simply “cohabit”. In Europe alone, marriage has dropped  by 30% within 30 years from 1975-2005. With less children, the population in developed nations is ageing fast while the population in third world countries, still bound by old marriage traditions, continues to grow exponentially. 


  As a woman, I salute those who fought for our human and civil rights,  which allow us to enjoy the fundamental respect and dignity of being a wife. But have we, like everything else we do, once again gone too far in the other direction ?  In advocating moderation, Shakespeare wrote, “ We may outrun by violent swiftness, and lose by over-running…”  The modern day spouse seeking attitude would be a case in point.


  Naughty children used to be disciplined by caning . When that became unlawful, we began stretching the limits of toleration so far that we now end up with a generation of little tyrants spoiled rotten by misguided parents, and rebellious students who detest, defy and demand before they learn how to contribute. Workers used to be exploited.  Today’s powerful  unions cripple industries and paralyze cities, sacrificing common good for personal gains. Greece’s democracy championed to give power to their people, more benefit, more rights, more, more and more… the country is now bankrupt. Marriage used to be a political leverage. Today, as ”According to ME”  becomes the only according that matters, we seek someone who is good enough for “ ME”, who will love and adore  “ ME”… who will give “ME” everything I want… the notion of marriage has become completely selfish, self absorbed and self centered…


  From a  totally distorted concept of marriage, a wrong attitude comes to pass, and therein lies the culprit of our woes. For smoother sails ahead, try nurturing contentment -  start by giving more and asking for less in return.


   “He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have” -  Socrates




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