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  Dean Swift定義談話的禮儀為「一門與人從容地相交的藝術」。作為一個健談的對象,最基本要做到友善、謙遜待人,又會顧及他人的感受,這講求個人的自律性,相對而言較少人做到。真正的偉人不會把自己的成功掛在嘴邊,只有自大的人才會在談話時炫耀自我的成就。學富五車的他們大可向他人傳授知識,不過,由於他們的話語是指導,不是單純的談話,聽者多感到無助而非欽佩。Peter跟很多人一樣,就是其一。
















Making Conversations


  Peter adores Eva, but the feeling is not mutual. When asked, she said in exasperation, “ He is basically a nice guy…. but he always talks incessantly about his own success, his own accomplishments …he knows everything better and more…Ok, so he probably does, but he is just too boring for me…”


  Dean Swift defined talking manners as “the art of putting at ease the people with whom we converse”. The fundamental virtues of a good conversationalist are kindness, modesty and consideration to other people’s feelings,  which require strong self discipline, and comparatively few people possess them. Truly great people do not wear their achievements on their sleeves, it is the assumed great that would flaunt their success when engaged in conversation. They may have a wealth of knowledge to impart, but since they lecture rather than talk, people actually listen to them helplessly rather than admiringly. Peter, and many like him, would be a case in point.


  The true life of a man indelibly impresses itself upon his face, voice and manners. What a person is, innately and habitually, unconsciously discloses itself in his entire demeanor when he talks, and no amount of expensive clothing or jewelry could disguise his real being.  His personality plays a vital part in his conversation and the world ultimately appraises him at his true value. Good conversation requires mental alertness, accuracy of statement, facility of expression and above all, politeness, vivacity, sympathy, geniality, a happy choice of words, and a never failing humor. The best type of talker is slow to express negative opinions, is sparing in criticism,  and refrains from gossips especially malicious ones. A talker who monopolizes the conversation is as insufferable as the man who regulates his choice of topics by reference to what interests not his hearers but himself. 


  Conversational etiquette evolves. In the days of yore, when class distinction and protocol were prevalent, manifestation of eruditeness among the learned  was received with accolade and respect because it would be reciprocated. As societies became less formal, the learned could talk about anything with anyone, and had probably more laughter than his predecessors. However, though class distinction “disappeared” in name, the invisible barriers between the have’s and  have not’s did not, hence an extended scope of “ conversational skills”  became warranted. As today’s social temperament becomes incrementally hyper sensitive, talking etiquette requires that we keep our voice down, think before we speak, repress unseasonable allusions, shun “inappropriate” topics, strive not to eclipse others, avoid all clashing of opinion and collision of feelings. Granted that the spirit of conversation should be more important than the ideas expressed and what we are should matter more than what we say, a good member of the society conforms nonetheless.


  Finally, conversation offers daily opportunity for intellectual exercise of high order. There are many ways to acquire education, but it is the meeting of great minds which stimulates dormant thoughts, and real culture comes through the additional training one receives in conversation. By the same token, it is continuously good conversations which nurture and buttress relationships just as continuously poor conversations, or a lack thereof, destroy them. 


  As rebellious teenagers, we could slam the door and walk off in a huff from our parents if we didn’t like the conversations. As adults, we’ve learned to grin and bear it with employers, superiors, dignitaries and customers… But sadly, some of us are still walking away from poor conversations with people we love. Understand this normally spells the beginning of the end to any relationship, so please don’t let that happen.


  Good conversational skill is to a large extent, a learned skill rather than innate. To protect and sustain our relationships, we can work on building better conversations with our love ones, not by finger pointing, but by honest self assessment and the genuine willingness to improve together with the help of each other.


   Starting with yourself first . 




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