Date | Shareholder name | Reason of Disclosure | Buy/Sell and Involved Shares |
Average Price per share | Current Holdings | % of Issued Shares |
27/12/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1001(L) 1403(S) | +26,923,800(L) +30,377,465(S) | HKD6.062(L) | 210,076,901(L) 130,428,523(S) 11,019,678(P) | 5.52 3.42 0.28 |
18/12/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -2,701,710(L) | 607,710,867(L) 606,271,935(S) 1,416,932(P) | 15.97 15.93 0.04 | |
11/12/2024 | He Haijian | 1201(L) | -213,000(L) | USD0.609(L) | 4,114,095(L) | 0.11 |
10/12/2024 | He Haijian | 1201(L) | -3,877,500(L) | USD0.602(L) | 4,327,095(L) | 0.11 |
09/12/2024 | He Haijian | 1201(L) | -409,500(L) | USD0.599(L) | 8,204,595(L) | 0.22 |
08/12/2024 | He Haijian | 1303(L) | 2,180,000(L) | 8,614,095(L) | 0.23 | |
04/12/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -13,575,795(L) | 637,483,182(L) 636,026,220(S) 1,430,932(P) | 16.75 16.71 0.04 | |
26/11/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1704(L) | -34,605,426(L) | HKD3.248(L) | 163,012,402(L) 97,061,968(S) 8,380,229(P) | 4.28 2.55 0.22 |
25/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -26,417,910(L) | 663,420,132(L) 662,022,015(S) 1,370,932(P) | 17.43 17.40 0.04 | |
25/11/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1001(L) 1403(S) | +19,303,046(L) -5,285,529(S) | HKD3.699(L) | 197,617,828(L) 101,927,879(S) 8,398,844(P) | 5.19 2.67 0.22 |
22/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -45,540,450(L) | 689,838,042(L) 688,439,925(S) 1,370,932(P) | 18.13 18.09 0.04 | |
19/11/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1704(L) | -33,654,220(L) | HKD2.382(L) | 166,070,197(L) 107,349,048(S) 8,695,644(P) | 4.36 2.82 0.22 |
15/11/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1001(L) 1403(S) | +29,210,600(L) -5,035,155(S) | HKD2.635(L) | 203,248,927(L) 107,745,128(S) 8,400,759(P) | 5.34 2.83 0.22 |
15/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -20,835,000(L) | 750,947,307(L) 749,838,375(S) 1,082,932(P) | 19.73 19.71 0.03 | |
12/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -10,545,165(L) | 789,929,323(L) 788,802,375(S) 1,100,932(P) | 20.76 20.73 0.03 | |
11/11/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1704(L) | -6,901,960(L) | HKD2.197(L) | 184,610,037(L) 110,498,593(S) 8,347,949(P) | 4.85 2.90 0.21 |
08/11/2024 | JPMorgan Chase & Co. | 1001(L) 1403(S) | +4,503,025(L) -314,517(S) | HKD2.266(L) | 191,511,997(L) 116,357,108(S) 8,336,369(P) | 5.03 3.05 0.21 |
07/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -32,113,800(L) | 823,287,972(L) 822,161,040(S) 1,100,932(P) | 21.64 21.61 0.03 | |
05/11/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -13,812,000(L) | 865,806,762(L) 864,679,830(S) 1,100,932(P) | 22.75 22.72 0.03 | |
30/10/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -5,670,000(L) | 912,933,762(L) 911,806,830(S) 1,100,932(P) | 23.99 23.96 0.03 | |
18/10/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -11,234,490(L) | 945,453,402(L) 944,307,330(S) 1,120,072(P) | 24.85 24.82 0.03 | |
08/10/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -16,870,020(L) | 975,299,262(L) 974,153,190(S) 1,120,072(P) | 25.63 25.60 0.03 | |
17/09/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -11,538,368(L) | 1,020,639,732(L) 1,010,673,255(S) 9,940,477(P) | 26.82 26.56 0.26 | |
10/09/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -22,952,025(L) | 1,039,891,809(L) 1,018,045,260(S) 10,037,909(P) | 27.33 26.75 0.26 | |
09/09/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +9,154,432(L) | 1,067,329,226(L) 1,040,997,285(S) 10,037,909(P) | 28.05 27.36 0.26 | |
03/09/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1205(L) | -4,514,640(L) | 1,061,053,732(L) 1,050,962,295(S) 10,065,437(P) | 27.88 27.62 0.26 | |
29/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1104(L) | +4,514,640(L) | 1,065,634,372(L) 1,050,962,295(S) 10,131,437(P) | 28.00 27.62 0.27 | |
26/08/2024 | Canada Pension Plan Investment Board | 1704(L) | -115,500,000(L) | 189,734,295(L) | 4.99 | |
15/08/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -2,250,000(L) | 1,064,584,732(L) 1,054,427,295(S) 10,077,437(P) | 27.98 27.71 0.26 | |
24/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | -3,000,000(S) | 1,073,779,732(L) 1,063,142,295(S) 10,557,437(P) | 28.22 27.94 0.28 | |
05/06/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -4,220,595(L) | 1,101,118,906(L) 1,091,060,835(S) 9,977,366(P) | 28.94 28.67 0.26 | |
28/05/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | -5,205,000(S) | 1,108,420,781(L) 1,098,509,415(S) 9,831,366(P) | 29.13 28.87 0.26 | |
28/03/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -3,270,000(L) | 1,139,093,054(L) 1,129,054,680(S) 9,957,279(P) | 29.93 29.67 0.26 | |
22/03/2024 | He Haijian | 11031(L) | +251,613(L) | 8,614,095(L) | 0.23 | |
19/03/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | -19,321,875(S) | 1,144,807,296(L) 1,134,735,675(S) 9,991,621(P) | 30.08 29.82 0.26 | |
22/02/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -10,500,000(L) | 1,177,838,221(L) 1,170,399,855(S) 7,357,621(P) | 30.95 30.76 0.19 | |
16/02/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1403(S) | +1,500,000(S) | 1,187,869,221(L) 1,180,800,855(S) 6,987,621(P) | 31.22 31.03 0.18 | |
31/01/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | -5,250,000(S) | 1,186,295,221(L) 1,179,300,855(S) 6,913,621(P) | 31.17 30.99 0.18 | |
09/01/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1201(L) | -5,025,000(L) | 1,215,703,564(L) 1,208,633,355(S) 6,988,609(P) | 31.95 31.76 0.18 | |
05/01/2024 | The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation | 1503(S) | -7,500,000(S) | 1,221,703,384(L) 1,214,633,355(S) 6,988,609(P) | 32.11 31.92 0.18 | |
1 2 |
Remark: | (L) - Long Position, (S) - Short Position, (P) Lending; |
Real time quote last updated: 13/03/2025 17:59 | |
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