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  • Mei Ling

    Mei Ling

    廖吳美玲Mei Ling,做為電視真人騷《盛女愛作戰》幕後顧問一夜爆紅,因其經驗豐富,點評中肯直接,且手握優質筍盤無數,被譽為鑽石媒人,備受好評。其創立的香港婚姻介紹所Hong Kong Matchmakers。

    Mei Ling曾於紐約婚姻介紹學院就讀,成為美、德註冊婚配師,創立香港婚姻介紹所,有別於其他婚介所,Mei Ling所設門檻很高,專為香港單身高學歷人士作婚姻配對,創辦16年,成功撮合的高層男女不下數百對。

    Mei Ling曾於世界頂級大企業任要職,包括貿發局法蘭克福貿易顧問等。曾獲歐盟市場開拓及業務發展比賽冠軍,成為首位女性及華人獲得此殊榮。亦曾創立自己的時裝生意,在高峰時賣盤。

    著有《How to Find A Husband》。 Man Manual, Navigating Relationships

    鑽石媒人Mei Ling















  98%的男士認為我們收費公平合理。相反,女士卻抱有不同意見。曾有一位挽著Dior袋、腳踏Manolo Blahnik鞋的女顧客抱怨我們的收費太貴,很明顯,大家心中標準不一。




















  I am grateful for the opportunity ET Net has given me to address the viewers & readers. I feel encouraged by the public consensus, humbled by your recognition, and profoundly indebted to you all for your overwhelming support.


  In the course of the last few weeks, we have received over ten thousand emails and although this is not an “agony aunt” column, I do think it appropriate to start by answering a few of the most often asked questions:


…These are my criteria; can you find me a husband?

  No, we cannot find you “a husband”; in fact nobody can unless through an arranged marriage. Matching is not just about whom you want; it is about whom you want who also wants you!


  We don’t “sell men” as a commodity, we “sell opportunities”. Yes, we find decent, age-appropriate, legally single men who are seriously looking for life partners, interview them & conduct background checks before sending them your way. But, we cannot make them marry you, we can’t even make them like you! The only person who can make it happen is you and you alone! Going to a matchmaker is not the end of your search, it is the beginning. We’ll act as your facilitator, mentor, coach & companion, but you still have to do it all by yourself. 


We heard you are very expensive? How much do you charge?

  98% men find us extremely fair & very reasonable. Women however, have a different sense of value. We have clients coming in with Dior handbags and Manolo Blahnik shoes and complained that our prices are too high – obviously different priorities.


  We have many different plans so it would depend on your age, criteria, and requirements. If you were to compare our fees to that of recruitment services’ and looking to fill a position by placing a HK$60.- classified ad in the papers, yes, you would probably find us very expensive. But if you were looking for a middle/senior executive through a headhunter, you will find us very cheap, cause our rates are much lower than that of HK’s major  head-hunters’ .


Is it true that you only take university graduates? Why?

  Our business model is quality based and not quantity based, and as such we need to establish a tangible, fundamental standard for initial assessment and then build on it. Personality traits though important, are intangible, and since we do not wish to use money as a standard, we have chosen education instead. It is not to say that non-university graduates will categorically be rejected, these too, will be on a case by case situation. We took on a gentleman last week whose family was extremely poor; he had to work and did not finish high school. He had since caught up by attending evening schools & distance learning and is today, a very successful self made man. We respect him for the person he is and are proud to be at his service.


Where do you find so many high quality men?

  There are 7 million people in Hong Kong; just 1% is already 70,000. I can assure you that single men looking for life partners in HK are well over 1%, so we just have to stay focused. With women, 70% come to us via voluntary online registrations, 30% through referrals. With men, 95% come to us via online registrations, only 5% through referrals. Generally speaking, men do not like to be referred to a matchmaker by a friend or relative. So if you care about someone and think he can benefit from our service, just give him our website. He has to want to do it himself, otherwise there is no point.


Why would a high caliber bachelor need your service?

  Primarily to save time and hassle, most of them being extremely busy at work, many are frequent travelers. We also help them stretch beyond their normal circles of friends & acquaintances, thereby increasing their opportunities to meet people from different walks of life. After all, we go to the employment agent to hire a secretary, to the real estate agent to find an apartment, to the travel agent to book a holiday…Why shouldn’t they go to a matchmaker to find a wife? Isn’t that more important than a secretary, an apartment or a holiday? We do it professionally, full time and on purpose, sure beat them trying to do it half heartedly, part time, by chance.




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