Zephyr Yeung
Zephyr Yeung
Part 1:「催款」必學的單字片語
● 逾期通知
overdue notice
● 逾期已久
long overdue
● 逾期剩餘款
overdue balance
● 拖欠帳目
delinquent account
● 結清帳款
pay an account
settle an account
● 尾款
final payment
● 付尾款
pay the balance
pay the rest
● 優質客戶
valued customers
● 對收款相當重視
be very keen on payment collection
● 簿記入某帳戶
credit to an/the account
● 從某帳戶支出
debit from an/the account
● 安排付款
arrange the payment
● 帳戶剩餘款
remaining amount
● 未付金額
outstanding amount
● 逾期帳款
overdue amount
● 開票日
billing date
● 到期日
due date
● 發貨單日期/發票日期
invoice date
Part 2: 「催款」必學的句型
“This e-mail is to inform you that payment is now + 欠款時間 + overdue."
This e-mail is to inform you that payment is now seven days overdue.
“Your payment of + 金額(amount) + was due on +日期(date). "
Your payment of $15,000 was due on 19th June.
“We would appreciate hearing back from you + 聯繫渠道 (e.g. by phone/email) + at your earliest convenience."
We would appreciate hearing back from you by phone or e-mail at your earliest convenience.
“If you are unable + to + 動詞(Verb), perhaps you could explain..."
If you are unable to make payment immediately or require special arrangements, perhaps you could explain the problem to us.
Part 3:如何用e-mail催款
To: Cloudy Health (jaychow@cloudyhealth.com)
Subject: Payment Reminder
Dear Mr. Chow,
[通知繳款到期We are writing to inform you that your payment is now five days overdue.] [提醒日期及時間Your payment of $8,650 was due on 15th June.] Please remit funds匯款to our account at your earliest convenience.
We understand that it is sometimes difficult to make payment on time. [瞭解原因If you are unable to make payment immediately or require special arrangements, perhaps you could explain the problem to us.] Our accounting office has experience in solving difficult payment issues. We are always happy to assist our customers.
[要求回覆We would appreciate hearing back from you by phone or e-mail at your earliest convenience.] Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Firenze Chiu
Essential Oil Pub
Part 4: 更多相關例句
1. Please arrange the payment 安排付款soon to receive the goods earlier so that it will not influence your selling schedule or in case of any extra charge 額外費用at destination port.
2. In order for us to keep offering premium quality 優質of service to valued customers like you, please help us solve this overdue issue 逾期帳款問題immediately and further prevent such embarrassing situation from happening in the future.
3. We have not yet received your payment for the XXX fee, could you please check?
我們還沒有收到你支付的 XXX 費用,你能查一下嗎?
4. We have contacted the logistics company to pick up the goods from our factory; however, we have not received the freight運費yet. Do you mind transferring it to us soon? if not, we're afraid that you can't receive the goods by 3rd July.
我們已聯繫物流公司從我廠提貨。然而,我們還沒有收到運費。 你可否盡快把轉賬給我們?否則,我們恐怕你未能在 7 月 3 日之前收貨。
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