兒童及青少年理財教育推廣基金 聯合創辦人
-香港教育大學博士、兒童及家庭教育碩士,香港大學金融碩士, 墨爾本大學經濟學士
Whatsapp:5233 6418
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Full Devotion to Develop Child/Youth Financial Management EQ
I will be fully devoted to the promotion work of “Enhancing Child/Youth Financial Management EQ” soon, in the hope that financial management education can be incorporated into primary school education and eventually becomes a regular course in secondary school. The goal is to help our next generation to establish proper money concept and positive thinking, as I believe this is one of the most crucial cornerstones in life.
Amid gradual growing up of my two sons and not having big material desires from my family, I wish to devote my efforts in this when I am still young and energetic. The support and attention from the Education Bureau, celebrities, politicians, grandparents and parents are much needed.
We can simply begin with learning the importance of savings and resources allocation. In short, savings=hope=future, so that we can have faith in the future.
Learn the Importance of Savings and How to Use Limited Resources Wisely
We all see that many personal, family and social issues are caused by the inappropriate handling of money. Through early financial management education and daily guidance of the parents, we hope that our next generation can better understand the concept of contentment and learn to wait, so that in the future they can resist the materialistic temptations and handle the impact of adversity.
Family financial management education should begin since childhood, starting with the parents.
I take child financial management education as my second career. Through systemic approach and borrowing stories from daily life, I hope to raise children’s interest and consciousness in learning the proper wealth concept and establish positive thinking during their growing-up.
(一) 的士司機不停說出他的論點,在車上唯有支吾以對,直至最後他說:「我好開心,你很明白事理,跟我一樣!」,才安靜下來。
(二) 在公司門外碰到一送外賣的女士,她說己等了五分鐘,沒有手機,我幫她聯絡上同事,小幫忙,但她連聲感謝卻令我開心半天。
(三) 兒子回港度聖誕假,我們共二十多位親人吃聖誕餐,雖然貴,但聚首一堂和拍下相片,有一個美好的回憶。
(四) 同事送給我手製曲奇,味道很不錯。
(五) 與朋友談起我的兒童理財教育願望,絕大都也支持和給予很好的意見,很開心和感恩。
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