出身國際電視媒體,精通五種語言。前半生在多家跨國公司擔任要職,從事銷售、管理、翻譯卅載,在中港兩地有近20年寶貴的實幹業務經驗。後半生創辦智邦環球有限公司,深信人的潛力無限,助人運用正面心態,提高演示、管理、銷售、教練能力,增長業績,留住人才,支持他們摘下事業與人生的金牌。Leadership Coaching
After briefing the candidate the job specifications, you can ask him, “If you became our Project Coordinator, what would you do? How would you do it?”
“You can definitely use coaching during the interview to help him understand the company’s expectation of that position. You can also let him assess his capabilities.”
This is totally new to Boris. He just stares and is all ears for what Mary is going to say.
“What are the criteria you have for this position?”
“To run projects, he needs to be able to attend to details, as well as see the big picture of the whole project. He needs to set clear goals for each phase of the project. Analytical… Build and maintain strong rapport… Clear communication…because he needs to interact and work closely with the clients, the vendors and the team members to complete a project. He needs to anticipate problems so that he can prepare contingency plans. He also needs to act swiftly, calmly and with great flexibility to deal with problems.”
“Wow! Specific, see the big picture, set clear goals, analytical, rapport, clear communication, anticipate problems, act swiftly, calmly with flexibility! That’s a tall order!”
“That’s true, but it’s totally possible!”
“Yes, I agree. Our Sales Department would grab such a person! OK, you can draw a circle and divide it into 8 equal parts. Prioritize the 8 competencies. Then start from the top and label the parts clockwise. The centre is 1 meaning low capability; and the rim of each part is 10 meaning high capability.”
“I get it! I can ask him to rate himself! He will then understand the competencies of what the company is expecting. From his self assessment and the conversation during the interview, I would be able to understand him better. It would also help me choose the right talent. This is awesome, Mary! Thank you so much!”
“The pleasure is all mine, Boris. By the way, there is more to it. Happy to explore it with you.”
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