出身國際電視媒體,精通五種語言。前半生在多家跨國公司擔任要職,從事銷售、管理、翻譯卅載,在中港兩地有近20年寶貴的實幹業務經驗。後半生創辦智邦環球有限公司,深信人的潛力無限,助人運用正面心態,提高演示、管理、銷售、教練能力,增長業績,留住人才,支持他們摘下事業與人生的金牌。Leadership Coaching
Boris rang into Mary in the lift during lunchtime, so they decided to have lunch together.
“Mary, thanks for your coaching last time. I had new discoveries and insights when I ran the second interview.”
“Wonderful! Tell me about it.”
“Well, I asked them why they picked our company. Some answered because ours is a big company, the systems should be in place, having a job here should be stable, and therefore brighter prospects. But one of them said he had researched on our business on the internet and even made a few enquiries from his friends and relatives about us. He understood the challenges our industry now face yet he felt that this was a good platform for him to advance his career, so he applied.
But when I asked them why they wanted to become a Project Coordinator, I noticed they needed time to think for a while.
“Most interviewers do not ask such a question.”
“One said he didn’t know, he applied because he felt the job was suitable. The other thought that the job was not that difficult, so he gave it a shot. The third one reckoned a coordinator needed to work with different stakeholders on every project. He found it challenging… an exciting opportunity to build his capabilities.
Everyone also said they were keen to learn more from the job.”
“Hmm, sounds like the standard answer from Job Interview 101.”
“So I probed deeper. Two said they would learn whatever that came along. But one said he would first learn and understand our current practice and he would follow it. And he asked to offer suggestions on improving the processes and methods with an aim to execute the projects more effectively in future. He also highlighted the importance of communication because to run a project well did not only rely on professional knowledge. The key was the interpersonal relationship as each stakeholder had his own interests to look after. How to get everyone on the same page to complete the project on time, on budget and meeting the standard was key.”
“Haha, I can easily guess who you picked from the three!”
【你點睇?】長和將全球43個港口出售,你是否擔心事件引發漣漪效應,影響本港企業在全球的業務?► 立即投票